Tuesday 8 September 2015

Should Cellphones Be Used During Class

Cellphones used to be so expensive for anyone to have or so big you can’t exactly bring it without it weighing you down. Nowadays it’s almost impossible for people NOT to have, someone as young as 9years old can have their own cellphone. These devices are often used no matter what the user is doing, from standing, driving and even during studying or more specifically in class.

Being a teenager myself, I would say that cellphones is something I must have with me at all times but it doesn’t mean I agree with the usage of it during class. The cell nowadays aren’t like when it first came out which has only one function; calling. Now we can text, take photos, listen to music, search the internet, play games and lots more with it. In other words, it is a huge distraction.

Usage of cellphones during class will bring lots of negatives than positives. Instead of listening to the lectures given, students will tend to use their phone to text, play games and even listen to music especially in a class packed with people. This will happen when they feel bored or doesn’t feel like studying.

Also, other than not focusing; the usage of cellphones enables these students to cheat during tests. Although it may sound impossible for some people, Phone Arena showed some startling statistics about the use of phones for cheating in class. This could be through exchanging text with others, using the Internet to find answers, use phone applications, or reading notes that are saved in the phone.

In addition, cellphones can encourage bullying. These are serious problems among young people nowadays. Since most smartphones has camera and video technology which can be used to capture or videotape bullying incidents. This happens because these students would like to show people what they can do to others and are proud of it.

In conclusion, it is obvious that usage of cellphones in class does more bad than good. I’m sure that most student feels the same way about the negative effects phones can bring. Needless to say, it’s better if we avoid things that would bring more negative than positive.

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