Wednesday 15 July 2015


Being a good student isn’t something difficult to do but it takes effort and will. As a student, we need to have plannings for a better future. There are numerous ways to be a good student and we’re going to give you guys some tips on how to be one!

1. .   Punctuality - Time is gold, hence being on time is important; this is because we might miss out on what was taught during our absence and we’d be lost in oblivion in no time. Being on time is optional but the benefits are for the greater good of everyone and this embeds self discipline within ourselves.

2.  .  Raise your hands! – Be active people! Give opinions, ask questions and share knowledge. It doesn’t matter if you’re annoying to other people as long as you understand.

3.     Dead-line -  So, you were given 5 weeks to finish an assignment and the next things you know; the deadline is here! Yet the paper is still empty. So we must always get it done early and submit it on time .
 4      Revise-we need to revise atleast the night after a topic so your memory is stronger.Students must practise this to avoid last minute studying before an examination.Good revision leads to excellent result .

5 Respect others!-especially your teachers/lecterurs.Dont be rude to them even they are wrong.Talk to them nicely they are the one to teach us so be good !

6.set a goal-this is the ultimate key to being a good student.If you dont have a target in life how can you success.Your goal is your motivater to get up dont give up.


                                 SO GOODLUCK IN PRACTISING SOME OF THE TIPS!

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